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    Green City Action Plan for Minsk

    2018 - 2019

    The project was implemented by the Minsk City Executive Committee with the support of the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development.

    Interakcia Foundation was one of the project consultants, along with Mott MacDonald (Great Britain) and Ricardo-AEA (Great Britain).

    The project was funded by the Swedish International Development Cooperation Agency (SIDA).

    As part of the Green Cities Programme, European Bank for Reconstruction and Development helps partner cities to plan investments into projects that address environmental challenges.

    By becoming the first Belarusian participant of the Green Cities Programme, Minsk joined an international network of municipalities that includes Yerevan, Tbilisi, Belgrade, and Tirana.

    Participants of the EBRD Green Cities Programme commit to developing and adopting a Green City Action Plan (GCAP) – a roadmap that defines a long-term vision of ‘a green city’ for a 10-15 year perspective.

    EBRD experts believe that status of a ‘green city’ with fully developed green investments plan will fuel the interest of international financial institutions and donors. This may result in increased volume of external funding for implementation of large-scale investment projects, such as reconstruction of the Minsk Wastewater Treatment Plant, insulation of residential building, among others.

    What is the expected impact on urban environment?
    Implementation of the GCAP will result in mitigation of the identified environmental challenges and will improve the state of environment in the city.
    In the long-term perspective, it will contribute to the improved quality of air, water and soil, preservation of biodiversity and greater accessibility of green zones.
    Water and energy resources will become more accessible and will be used more efficiently.
    The city will decrease the amount of greenhouse gas emissions and will be better adapted to new conditions caused by climate change.



    GCAP is based on the EBRD’s original methodology, which was developed by OECD and ICLEI.


    According to this methodology, the city starts with identifying the most pressing environmental challenges and then ranks them according to priority. The next step is to discuss each challenge with all stakeholders and come up with proposed solutions, breaking them down into specific objectives and actions. Actions may lie in the area of investments, services, changes in legislation, or use of other instruments.


    Please see TV news on the project’s kick-off meeting on 4 May 2018 from Belarusian Telegraph Agency(in Belarusian) to learn more about the GCAP development process.

    Project results:
    A team of experts analyzed the current state of environment in Minsk (air, water, soil, green areas, biodiversity, climate change mitigation and adaptation), as well as the level of pressure on the environment and response actions of city authorities in the sectors of transport, buildings, industry, energy, water, waste, and land use.
    Experts from the city authorities and city-level organizations took part in five thematic seminars on urban mobility planning, green infrastructure investments, new approaches to waste management, climate change adaptation, and monitoring and evaluation of green investment projects.
    City authorities, supported by consultants and Public Consultation Group, which included more than 20 city activists and experts of civil society organizations, formulated general vision and strategic objectives for the GCAP development, identified priority investment areas, and discussed specific measures for each priority area.
    By the end of 2019, the team of consultants developed the GCAP document and passed it over to the Minsk city authorities for approval.