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    Energy Days

    2012 - current

    Energy Days are any events that promote energy efficiency. They can be workshops, quizzes and contests, city quests, guided trips to power stations that produce energy from renewable resources, and many other formats. Creative ideas are more than welcome!

    Energy Days can be organized by anyone who would like to promote the idea of clean energy: local authorities, businesses, local communities and residents. Energy Days can take place anywhere, from a school to a culture centre. In Belarus, Energy Days are usually organized by municipalities which are signatories of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.

    Interakcia Foundation helped to organize first Energy Days in Belarus, which took place in Polotsk in 2012, and since 2016 we have been coordinating Energy Days in other Belarusian CoM signatory cities.

    When to organize Energy Days?

    Energy Days take place in EU and Eastern partnership countries every year in May and June. They can last from several hours to several weeks. Traditionally, they take place as part of the European Sustainable Energy Week. To become part of this global campaign, you will have to register your Energy Days at https://eusew.eu/. Make sure to check out EUSEW’s Guidelines for Energy Days organizers.



    Energy Days in Belarus:
    Polotsk was the first Belarusian city to host Energy Days in 2012 as part of the EU-funded SURE project. Thanks to this project, Polotsk joined the Covenant of Mayors and became the first Belarusian signatory of this international network.
    Since 2016, CoM signatories who want to conduct Energy Days can get help and advice from Covenant of Mayors Supporters in Belarus, which includes Interakcia Foundation.
    In 2020, Interakcia supported Energy Days as part of EUSEW in 22 cities. Altogether, Belarusian signatories conducted more than 450 events on energy saving and clean energy!

    Since the beginning of COVID-19 pandemic, Energy Days also went through a change. In 2020, the EU Sustainable Energy Week’s events took place mostly online or outdoors under the slogan, ‘Beyond the crisis: clean energy for green recovery and growth’.



    What does it mean for communication and how to conduct Energy Days during the coronavirus pandemic? Watch the recording of a webinar organized by the EU’s CoM-DeP Programme where Marina Borisova, our communication expert, shares advice and best practices in online communication in energy and climate projects.



    If you are looking for creative ideas to conduct offline activities, check out our public reports on how we helped to conduct Energy Days in Polotsk in 2016, 2017, 2018, and 2019 as part of PubLiCity project. An outdoor festival with energy efficient installations called Light Spheres, summer school for young architects, online energy efficiency marathon, and even our very own Light Festival – these are some of the ideas for Energy Days events that you will find in the reports.


    Are you planning to organize Energy Days in your city? Here is what we recommend:
    Start preparing well in advance. If you are planning only one event, preparation should start 1-2 months before the planned date. If your Energy Days are a series of events, start planning six months ahead.
    Invest in a good team who will help you to organize the events and secure support of local partners. Together, you may come up with brilliant ideas that may have never occurred to you on your own!
    Get inspired by best practices. Browse the web to look for events that took place in other cities and countries during previous years.
    Decide who your target groups are. Will your events be aimed at schoolchildren, students, seniors, car owners, families, or residents of a specific city area? Different target groups require specific event formats.
    Combine activities for several target groups to compose a multi-format agenda that will include cultural, sports, educational, informational, scientific, official, professional events. Multi-format Energy Days can last from 1-2 days to 1-2 months.
    Get the approval from the city administration and make sure to coordinate your Energy Days with other events that take place in the city at the same time.
    Engage volunteers and partners! Partners can be of great help when organizing and conducting your Energy Days activities; sometimes they can even provide premises and equipment for events for free, or help with event promotion.
    Do not forget about promotion: talk about your events to local and national mass media, create event pages in social media, invite your friends to like and share.
    Invest in a good photographer to have high-quality pictures of your Energy Days. If your budget permits, think of creating a short mood video.
    Do not get frustrated if something goes wrong during the event. However, be ready to deal with problems as efficiently as you can, and make sure to create opportunities for feedback. After the event, conduct a reflective session with your team to discuss what went well and what needs improving next time.