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    Covenant of Mayors (CoM) for Climate and Energy in Belarus and CoM-East project

    Implementation period: June 2016 - current

    Interakcia Foundation is an official Supporter of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy in Belarus. We provide support to cities and organizations that would like to become members of this initiative.

    Interakcia is also a coordinator of the Covenant of Mayors – East project (CoM-East) in Belarus. The CoM-East project, with its €4,284,600 budget, covers six Eastern Partnership countries – Belarus, Ukraine, Moldova, Georgia, Armenia, and Azerbaijan. The project is funded by the European Union and is implemented by a consortium led by Energy Cities.

    If you have an inquiry regarding the membership in the Covenant of Mayors, please contact Mr. Ivan Shchadranok, CoM national expert in Belarus: ivan.shchadranok@eumayors.eu

    The Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy is the world’s largest association of local governments voluntarily committed to implementing EU climate and energy objectives.

    The signatories commit to reducing emissions of CO2 and other greenhouse gases by at least 40% by 2030 (by 30% for Belarus and other Eastern Partnership countries) by increasing energy efficiency and the use of renewable energies. They also aim to build their resilience to climate change.

    Commitments of the Covenant of Mayors signatories
    To develop a Sustainable Energy and Climate Action Plan (SECAP) within two years from becoming a CoM member. SECAP includes a Baseline Emissions Inventory, Climate Risks and Vulnerability Assessment, and a list of local climate mitigation and adaptation measures.
    To submit a Monitoring Report every second year after the adaption of SECAP.
    To share experiences and best practices with other CoM signatories.
    To raise awareness of local residents on energy and climate issues by holding annual Energy Days.

    As of April 2020, more than 55 cities and districts of Belarus were signatories of the Covenant of Mayors. Every third resident of the country lives in a CoM member city!


    Every year, CoM signatories conduct Energy Days as part of the EU Sustainable Energy Week (EUSEW).


    Technical support from experts, networking and exchange of experience, access to new sources of funding and much more!  Watch the video to learn more about the benefits enjoyed by the members of the Covenant of Mayors.

    Covenant of Mayors achievements in Belarus:
    35 SECAPs developed with support of the national coordinator and technical experts of the CoM-East project.
    Experts from the signatory cities take part in trainings, webinars and exchange visits on a wide array of topics, from modern energy efficient technologies to investment planning and raising.
    In October 2018, leading CoM signatories established the CoM Club in Belarus. As of April 2020, the Club includes 38 CoM signatories as its members. CoM Club members share best practices on sustainable energy and climate development and discuss implementation of common large-scale projects in the area of energy efficiency and climate adaptation.
    CoM signatories make contact with financial institutions, international donor organizations and ministries; they use grants, investments and credits to develop and implement common projects. Five cities – Polack (Polotsk), Braslaŭ (Braslav), Čavusy (Chausy), Ašmiany (Oshmiany) and Biaroza (Bereza) received financial support from the European Union as part of the Covenant of Mayors – Demonstration Projects (CoM-DeP) Programme to finance certain SECAP actions.
    In 2019, 35 Belarusian cities held Energy Days by organizing more than 400 events in total. As of spring 2020, Energy Days already took place in more than 20 cities of Belarus!