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    Covenant of Mayors for Localizing SDG in Belarusian Cities

    September 2020 - November 2021

    Interakcia Foundation is the leading partner in the project.

    Project partners: Karma district executive committee, Smarhoń district executive committee,  “Interakcia” Foundation.
    German project partner: Climate Alliance.

    Project territory: Karma district (Homieĺ region) and Smarhoń district (Hrodna region); Frankfurt (Germany).

    Project budget: € 62 500; contribution from the German side–€ 11187,85;

    This project is being implemented with the assistance of the Belarus Support Program (BSP). The Belarus Support Program is being implemented by the Dortmund International Education Center (IBB Dortmund) on behalf of the Federal Ministry for Economic Cooperation and Development (BMZ) and the German Society for International Cooperation (GIZ).

    The Project aims to address the challenge of insufficient capacities of Belarusian local authorities to synchronize their obligations under the Covenant of Mayors (CoM) for Climate and Energy (which focuses on SDGs 7, 11, 13, 17) with their other efforts aimed at achieving SDGs, and insufficient capacities of CoM-supporting NGOs to accompany CoM signatories in this process.

    Thanks to the Project, two partner NGOs will build capacities of two Belarusian CoM signatories (Karma and Smarhoń) in areas such as harmonization of CoM and local monitoring/data collection systems for better evaluation of climate adaptation measures, access to best EU practices, stakeholder engagement and raising awareness on climate action. Upon completion of the Project, Karma and Smarhoń will show progress in localization of SDGs 7, 11, 13 and 17, while partner NGOs will become better equipped for replication of this experience in other Belarusian cities.

    Project goals:
    - Localizing SDGs 7, 11, 13, 17 in Belarusian districts of Karma and Smarhoń within the framework of the Covenant of Mayors for Climate and Energy.
    - To assist Karma and Smarhoń in linking climate adaptation indicators from their SECAPs with indicators and data collection procedures used in other district strategies and sector plans.
    - To help Karma and Smarhoń build city-to-city partnerships with German municipalities on participatory implementation of SDGs within the CoM initiative.
    - To increase the engagement of various stakeholder groups in Karma and Smarhoń in climate action in the context of SDGs.
    - To build capacities of people (both city and community representatives) who work on climate action in Karma and Smarhoń for better implementation, monitoring and implementation of their SECAPs.
    - To communicate and raise awareness of the citizens in Karma and Smarhoń on SDGs with focus on climate action using up-to-date tools.
    Outputs and Outcomes:
    - Developed recommendations and practical guidance on climate adaptation M&E with customized analysis and instructions for Karma and Smarhoń, as well as generalized instructions that other Belarusian CoM signatories will be able to use.
    - Creation of new digital awareness raising tool on climate action “Change the Future”, adapted for Belarus, with about 50 users in each partner city.
    - Developed data collection procedures for climate adaptation indicators for Karma and Smarhoń, based on existing data collection systems built into local strategies and sector plans;
    - Exchange visit to Germany will help 10 representatives of target groups to introduce to German best practices, and create partnerships between Karma, Smarhoń and at least two German municipalities.
    - Establishment/strengthening two CoM Citizen Communities, their introductory meetings, and their representatives’ participation in the project activities.
    - Formation of the group of 40 people (both city and community representatives) trained on climate adaptation actions and M&E procedures, including public monitoring. Two SECAP monitoring reports submitted to the CoM Secretariat will be made.
    - As an outcome, Karma and Smarhoń, and in longer perspective other Belarusian CoM signatories (due to presentation and dissemination of the project experience on the regional and national level) will show progress in implementation, monitoring and evaluation of their SECAP climate adaptation activities.
    - Two Energy Days conducted (one in Karma, one in Smarhoń) with participation of about 450 local citizens in each; two small-scale climate mitigation or adaptation activities implemented as part of Energy Days.